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A typical project is made up of distinct parts: 1) Definition/Analysis, 2) Design, 3) Development and 4) Deployment. Your project may use all or just some of these. Maybe you are just looking for a 3rd party perspective on your ideas – and only have us do the Definition and Analysis. Maybe you want something taken through a storyboard for future planning and we take it through the Design stage. ”No Shirt, No Shoes, No Problem”. On the right, we have an initial schematic from the design document for the Administrator side of SafeDriveZone, an App for Android and iOS, that we were awarded a software patent for – based on the technology we developed for this product. Below the schematic is a definition page outlining one of its screens and the types and size of the data elements associated with it.
Below is listed what you will receive at the completion of each section.
Yep, that's a long time - and not combined years, but linear years. In the computer industry that blows right through ancient, and heads right to the range of relic. But with that age comes experience, and we've kept our skills current with the latest and greatest. That means we can handle your project with practiced efficiency.
Yes, we are available 365 days a year. Not, 24-7 (we DO need some sleep), but we know that the automation we build for you needs to be working, even when you aren't. In many cases this is the lifeblood of your business. You need the help when you need it.
R&D can be expensive, especially if you do it internally. Its not just the time and resources to build and deploy, but also the upkeep. If you are like most companies, that means a team for every platform you need to use - and tech types that can work on multiple platforms are expensive. Really expensive. We can show you a way to minimize that cost.
We provide support for 5 different operating environments (Android, iOS, macOS, Windows, and Linux), 3 different database technologies (SQL, noSQL and Memory based systems) and 3 access methodologies (Direct, REST and SOAP). We've written in C, C++, Java, PHP, Corona, ColdFusion and other Geek Stuff. The technology we use allows us to support all 5 operating systems and 3 access methodologies with a single code base, thus keeping development and deployment costs to an absolute minimum.
From our experience with Hurricane Ian, we can firmly state that with a solid foundation, a well structured product can withstand even a Cat 5 Hurricane. A poorly designed system will leave holes in performance and capability that can end up being more expensive and limiting than the cost paid in the beginning. A wise man once said: "Why is there no time to do it right the first time, but plenty of time to do it over?" Hmmm
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